This page includes extensive guidance on Storm Water Permitting in Virginia for both industrial runoff controls at asphalt plants and new construction activities permitting that is being developed by DCR for disturbed land and erosion controls.
- DEQ Industrial Storm Water Page – The current DEQ regulation used for storm water permits in Virginia for the current permit cycle.
- Erosion and Sediment Control Contractor Certification – Summary of VDOT’s erosion and sediment control contractor certification requirements. Describes some of the shortcomings of their interpretation of the rule.
- Virginia Run Off Reduction Method Instructions & Documentation – Describes the rules for establishing site runoff control plans and methodes to reduce nutrient dischares and flow volumes.
- General Permits for Small MS-4 Stormwater Discharges – Construction activities greater than 1 acre in size that discharge stormwater to a local jurisdiction (can include roadside ditches) will be permitted and administered through the locality for permits issued as of July 1, 2014. Most large jurisdictions already have their permit programs in place. This fact Sheet describes what these MS-4 program will look like. MS-4 stands for Municipal Separate Stormwater Sewer Systems.
- Construction General Permit – DCR has prepared this Fact Sheet to explain the changes being implemented effective July 1, 2014 . These permits will be issued, administered and enforced by local jurisdictions with guidance and assistance from DCR under EPA rules. The program will be transferred to DEQ in 2014.