Alternate bidding is a complex subject, but a new, user-friendly white paper, Keys to a Successful Alternate Bidding Process, breaks it down for contractors and agencies. It outlines the procedures set up by the Federal Highway Administration and covers the factors considered in alternate bids, such as initial cost, construction time, and future costs. Also discussed are discount rates, performance periods, rehabilitation plans, salvage value, analysis periods, and more. The publication is available as a free download here.
There will never be sufficient funding to meet all the needs of the nation’s roadways. Therefore, it is important to optimize every dollar. This APA publication will help contractors and agencies alike as they develop their understanding of alternate bidding procedures.
When agencies look at alternate pavement materials, the needs and preferences of highway users are an important part of the equation. The construction advantages of asphalt – faster construction time and less disruption for the traveling public during rehabilitation – need to be considered. Smooth, durable, safe, quiet asphalt pavements provide the best value for the traveling public, now and for years to come.