Posted by on June 11, 2018

Beginning in 2018, all proficiency testing will be managed by Germanna Community College. See below for course locations, dates, and fees. Registration is required for all proficiency testing. Contact Judith Calvert at (540) 937-6757 to schedule a time and location for any proficiency testing that is required.

Proficiency CourseTesting DatesLocationCourse FeeProficiency
Plant I
(1 Hour)
As NeededCompleted virtually
*One re-test available with additional fee
VTM-48: Sampling of Asphalt Concrete at the Plant
AASHTO R47: Reducing Samples of AC to Testing Size
Plant II
(4 Hours)
As Neededcompleted virtually
*One re-test available with additional fee
AASHTO T30: Mechanical Analysis of Extracted Aggregates
AASHTO T166: Bulk Specific Gravity
AASHTO T209: Maximum Specific Gravity
AASHTO T269: Percent Air Voids in Compacted Specimens
VTM 102: Ignition Method (no oven calibration)
AASHTO T312: Gyratory Compaction (pill only using gyro)
Mix Design
(8 Hours)
As Neededcompleted virtually
*One re-test available with additional fee
AASHTO T30: Mechanical Analysis of Extracted Aggregates
AASHTO T166: Bulk Specific Gravity
AASHTO T209: Maximum Specific Gravity (RICE)
AASHTO T269: Percent Air Voids in Compacted Specimens
VTM 102: Ignition Method
AASHTO T312: Gyratory Compaction
AASHTO T283: Tensile Strength Ratio
VTM-120: Test for Measurement of Permeability of Bituminous Paving Mixtures Using a Flexible Wall Permeameter
ASTM D4791: Flat & Elongated
ASTM D5821: Percentage of Fractured Particles - Coarse Agg.
AASHTO T176: Sand Equivalent
AASHTO T19: Unit Weight
AASHTO T304-11: Percent Air Voids in Compacted Specimens
AASHTO T84-13: Specific Gravity & Absorption of Fine Aggegate
AASHTO T85-13: Specific Gravity & Absorption of Coarse Aggregate

Posted in: vecat