PaveXpress Version 1.1 Released

PaveXpress is an easy-to-use pavement design tool to assist state and local engineers, consultants, and students in making informed pavement structural decisions using the AASHTO 93/98 design procedure for flexible and rigid pavements. It is a free web-based tool that can be accessed from any device via

New Features and Enhancements

In response to the growing user base and feedback received to date, PaveXpress has been enhanced to include:

  • AASHTO layered design analysis to ensure proper layer support for varying base materials
  • AASHTO recommended defaults for design parameters, such as reliability and serviceability, to streamline the design process
  • Enhanced traffic input methods for direct entry of equivalent single axle loads
  • Enhanced printable reports with additional detail
  • Updated help links to include recent publications, such as the new NCAT report on asphalt layer coefficients
  • Updated FAQs to reflect user comments and feedback
  • Updated application behaviors to improve user interaction and simplify the design process

PaveXpress continues to be enhanced. In the coming months the tool will be able to accommodate pavement designs for overlays and also to incorporate layered elastic analysis. Stay tuned for further details on those releases!