Below is a list of questions that come up most frequently from current or potential students.

Course Registration Questions

Where can I find the course listings?

The courses can be found on the Germanna website at  Then go to Workforce Services Menu → Courses & Registration → Transportation → MCS Asphalt Classroom OR MCS Asphalt Online

OR on this website under MCS Class Calendar.  Registration must be done on the Germanna website.

Does each student have to register separately

Whether the student is registering themselves or a company administrator is handling this step, students must be registered one at a time so that payment for that individual can be recorded and a student profile can be created, thus giving the student a unique identifier code which links him or her to the proper account in Germanna’s system (See below for more information on registering a student and creating the required student profile).

It looks like each employee will need to register online, choose the course and then make payment. Is there an easy way for me to pay for the course with a credit card after the student has signed up for the course?

GCC staff can create a company profile to be stored in their Workforce database for easy class purchase.  Company staff (Management, Admin Assistant etc.) or employee can then create a student profile which requires name, date of birth, address, phone number and working email address.  The company then signs on using the company password and username to complete purchase.  Please note that payment by credit card will include a service charge.

Company to enroll the student: 

  1. Contact Germanna Workforce Staff at (540) 891-3012 to have company account created.
  2. A password and username for the company will be issued.
  3. Create a student profile (see below)
  4. After student profile has been created, company signs on using the company password and username.
  5. Search for class then Add to Cart.  The system will then ask for the employee name, enter all or part of the student name or just hit Search for a list of employee names.
  6. Choose Register then proceed to checkout.
  7. Use a valid credit card for payment.

To create a student profile:

  1. Go to
  2. From the drop down Workforce Service menu choose Courses and Registration then choose Login/Create Account to create the student profile.
  3. Fill out the first page (the VCCS SIS ID is not required).
  4. On the second page choose the company name from the drop down menu then continue to the third page and complete the information and submit.

**For additional help on how a company representative can enroll a student for VECAT classes or to create a student profile for the student, please see the Company Registration Tutorial Links below**

What happens if my class does not fill?

A class must have at least fifteen (15) students registered for the class to be held. If this number is not reached, that class will likely be merged with one of the classes being held at either of Germanna’s home locations (Culpeper and Fredericksburg), this requiring students in the canceled class to travel. Germanna usually makes this determination a week in advance of a class and will notify students who are affected by the change.

General Course Questions

Are there any prerequisite requirements to take a course and/or exam, i.e. Nuclear Gauge Safety Certification?

Answer: Asphalt Field Level II requires passing the Level I Exam with a 70 or higher

Asphalt Plant Level II requires passing the Level I Exam with a 70 or higher.

Mix Design requires a full Asphalt Plant II certification (having passed the certification exam & proficiency exam) with at least one year’s experience.

Full Depth Reclamation requires passing the Field Level I and II exam with a 70 or higher.

Cold Asphalt Recycling: Field requires passing the Field Level I and II exam with a 70 or higher.

Cold Asphalt Recycling: Plant requires passing the Field Level I and II exam with a 70 or higher.

If I can’t make the class, can I send someone in my place?

An alternate student cannot be sent to class without prior communication to Germanna. In order for any student to attend class, they must have a student account and individual ID set up PRIOR to class day. If a student shows up to class without this information completed, it is Germanna’s decision as to whether that student can stay to attend class. Regardless, he or she will not be able to complete the exam at the conclusion of the class due to no student account in the system.

What happens if it snows on one of my class days?

VECAT classes, regardless of their hosting location, follow the policy of that particular location. Should inclement weather be an issue at any point during a class, the student should adhere to the decision of that location to stay open of close. Most colleges will have a notice about their intention to open or close listed on their website. Should this be the case at any location, the VECAT instructor for that class will let students know what makeup days will apply (note: usually, if a half-day or one day are missed due to inclement weather, the class will pick up later in the day or the following day. If more than one day is missed, the class will likely be re-scheduled at another time).

I don’t have a computer at home. Are there other ways that I can access the courses and supplemental material for my classes?

If you don’t have a computer in your home and also do not have access to one at your place of employment, you can access your Canvas account from any location that has internet access. Most people in this position use the computers available at their county library or other public facilities in their area. With some prior planning, arrangements can be made to use a computer at a local community college.

Is there a way to review course materials outside of Canvas if I want to watch the videos again in my free time.

Courses are also available on YouTube under the search topic VECAT if you want to watch the videos from class outside of Canvas. You may use a smartphone or other type of technology to view this way; however, course credit cannot be obtained from watching the courses on YouTube. You MUST complete the courses in Canvas if you want course credit and plan to complete the exam for certification purposes.

Do I have to register prior to class or can I register when I come to the first day?

Yes. A student must be registered and have a student profile already created in Germanna’s system to be allowed to sit through class.

Are the VECAT Material Certification classes instructor-led or online?

Both, with the exception of Mix Design which is only available as a classroom course.

  • The online classes are self-paced and offered year-round.
  • We will also offer instructor-led classes Jan, Feb, Mar of each year which will be hybrid consisting of online and classroom. The exam will be taken at the conclusion of class.

Campus Locations:

Germanna Community College – Main Campus (Fredericksburg)
Workforce Development Center
10000 Germanna Point Drive
Fredericksburg, VA 22408
(540) 891-3000

Germanna Community College – Fredericksburg Center for Advanced Technology (FredCAT)
1325 Central Park Blvd
Fredericksburg, VA. 22401
(540) 891-312

Germanna Community College – Daniel Technology Center (Culpeper)
18121 Technology Drive
Culpeper, VA 22701
(540) 891-3000

Paul D. Camp Community College – Franklin Campus – Workforce Development Center
100 North College Drive
Franklin, VA 23851

Virginia Western Community College – Greenfield Education & Training Center
57 S. Center Drive
Daleville, VA 24083-3026

Virginia Western Community College – Roanoke Campus, Thomas Center
3094 Colonial Ave SW, Thomas Center, Roanoke, VA. 24015

Rappahannock Community College – New Kent Campus
11825 New Kent Hwy, New Kent, VA. 23124

Virginia Tech Transportation Institute
3500 Transportation Research Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061 (Mix Design Class Only)
(540) 231-1500

What are class costs?

These costs were developed by VDOT, Germanna, and VAA.

  • Asphalt Field I – $350
  • Asphalt Field II – $350
  • Asphalt Plant I – $350
  • Asphalt Plant II – $350
  • Slurry Surfacing – $275
  • Surface Treatment – $275
  • Mix Design – $650
  • Full Depth Reclamation (FDR) – $300
  • Cold Asphalt Recycling: Plant – $300
  • Cold Asphalt Recycling: Field – $300

How long does it take to complete an online class?

The online class is structured around the physical class timeframe to include actual video footage of the instructors. Some students have completed it in less time.

General Timeframe

  • Asphalt Field I – 14 Hours
  • Asphalt Field II – 14 Hours,
  • Asphalt Plant I – 14 Hours
  • Asphalt Plant II – 14 Hours
  • Slurry Surfacing – 7 Hours
  • Surface Treatment – 7 Hours

How can I tell if a course I want to take has seats available or is already full?

You can determine if the desired class has seats available by locating the course on the Germanna website and looking for either the Add to Cart or Filled indicators on the course page.  If the course still has seats available, it will display “Add to Cart” and you can proceed with the registration process.

When is the last day to enroll for online classes?

Enrollment for online classes is “open”, so the student may enroll at any time during the year. It is important to remember, however, that the class year ends on December 15th, meaning all classes and exams must be completed by this date to count for the year. Failure to complete both this timeframe could result in the student having to start over in 2019.

What time do classes start and end?

Asphalt Field IDay 18:00am to 5:00pm
Day 2 8:00am to Noon
Asphalt Field IIDay 111:00am to 5:00pm
Day 28:00am to 4:00pm
 Asphalt Plant IDay 1 8:00am to 5:00pm
Day 28:00am to Noon
Asphalt Plant IIDay 1 1:00pm to 5:00pm
Day 28:00am to 5:00pm
Slurry Surface8:00am to 4:30pm
Surface Treatment8:00am to 4:00pm
Mix DesignDay 11:00pm to 5:00pm
Day 28:00am to 5:00pm
Day 38:00am to 5:00pm
Day 48:00am to 5:00pm
Day 58:00am to 1:00pm

Is a hard copy manual/study guide provided for the Online/Classroom VECAT Material Certification classes?

The online class manual is online, broken down by chapter within the course and available for download or printing. A hard copy will be provided in class for the classroom classes.

Is there any course material (extra costs) not provided through the online Canvas module?

There are no extra costs.

What courses still have proficiency exams as well as the certification exam?

Asphalt Plant I, Asphalt Plant II, and Mix Design. Beginning in 2018, all proficiency testing will be managed by Germanna Community College. Contact Judith Calvert at 540-937-6757 to schedule a time and location for any proficiency testing that is required.

Exam Questions

I have completed my class online and now I have to take the exam. Do I have to take it at Germanna or can I take it closer to where I work/live?

You make take the final exam at any one of Virginia’s 23 community college locations after first scheduling Germanna’s VECAT Program Coordinator.  Click here to find the Virginia Community College that is nearest to you or work with the coordinator to determine which location is most ideal.

If I complete a classroom course and feel that I want to study a bit more before taking the exam, do I have to take the exam at the end of class?

As of the 2018 class year, students now have the option to either take their exam at the end of class, or they can wait and take it.  Please note that the exam must be completed within 90 days of the class date.  If the student opts to wait and take the exam at a later time, he or she is responsible for contacting Germanna to set up the time and location for the exam.  A higher level exam can not be completed until the pre-requisite course and exam are completed (i.e. a student will not be allowed to take the Field II exam until the Field I course and exam are completed/passed).

Is there a charge for the exam?

The exam is covered by the registration fee for the course.

Do I have a time-limit for completing the final exam?

A final exam must be completed within 90 days from the date that the course is started. This applies to both classroom (if the student opts not to complete the exam at the end of the class) and online courses.

What is the exam schedule? (Example: M-F, 8am-4pm or is a time assigned?)

It depends on the testing center of choice. Some require an appointment while others allow walk-ins during normal testing hours. However, both require prior setup.

What happens if I do not pass my final exam?

If a student does not pass a final exam on the first attempt, her or she is allowed one additional attempt. Failure to pass the exam after the second attempt will result in the student having to wait until the following class year where he/she must attend the classroom class.

Do I have to take the course to take the exam?

Yes. An exam cannot be completed without first completing the course. You can select whether you take the course online or in the classroom.

What tools am I allowed to bring in to the exam with me?

You must bring a calculator with you to the exam. Cell phones are under no circumstances allowed into the exam room. This must be left in your vehicle or a personal bag/backpack in the classroom.

Certification Expiration

If I have to take a course that has other courses as pre-requisites but my certifications for those courses are still active, do I need to complete them again prior to taking the course whose certification is expiring?

Pre-requisite courses for a higher-level course (i.e. Plant I and II for Mix Design) do not need to be completed prior to that course if those certifications are active. This means that you do not need to take Plant I or II before taking Mix Design if your Mix Design certification is coming due but your Plant I and II certifications are still active.

What if I have proficiency tests to complete?

Beginning in 2018, all proficiency testing will be managed by Germanna Community College. See the 2018 MCS Certification brochure also on the VECAT homepage for testing locations, dates and fees. Contact Judith Calvert at 540-937-6757 to schedule a time and location for any proficiency testing that is required.

How Often Is Certification Renewed

Beginning in 2018, all VDOT materials certifications will have an active lifecycle of five (5) years. At the end of this timeframe, the certification will expire and its holder will be required to complete the same requirements as for a new certification to re-activate the certification. This includes the full course (classroom or online options are open to individual choice and/or availability), written exam, applicable proficiency exams and any prerequisite certifications.

Fast Forward Program (formerly WCG)

What is Fast Forward (formerly known as Workforce Credential Grant, or WCG)

The Fast Forward program is a continuation of the Workforce Credential Grant (WCG) that was launched in 2017 to ensure that workforce credentials are accessible and affordable for Virginians seeking the skills they need to obtain good‐paying jobs in high‐demand fields.  In late 2017, the program exhausted all of its funds for training and development, causing a brief hiatus in its availability.  Those funds have now been replenished and will be available beginning July 1, 2018. Virginia residents seeking educational opportunities through the Virginia Community College network will automatically qualify for these grant funds upon registration for a Fast Forward-eligible course.

Please note: if you are NOT a Virginia resident but still want to sign up for one of VECAT’s Asphalt courses, you will need to contact Germanna to complete a required Opt-Out form.

Any questions about Fast Forward program guidelines can be direct to Germanna Community College at 540-891-3012.

What classes are available under the Fast Forward Program?

The Fast Forward Program is applicable to Asphalt Field I & II, Asphalt Plant I & II, Slurry Surfacing and Surface Treatment.  A student must be a Virginia resident to take advantage of these funds.  If you are NOT a Virginia resident but still want to sign up for a VECAT course, you will need to contact Germanna to complete a required Opt-Out form.  Any questions about Fast Forward program guidelines can be direct to the Germanna Community College main office at 540-891-3012.